This is the story of how one man put in a lot of work to arrive at a place he once only dreamed of. To get there took determination, help from others, and hope, but Dennis (last name omitted for privacy) had reached an important milestone. It wasn’t easy. While incarcerated several years ago, Dennis was unable to be there for his mother during her illness and subsequent passing. The emotional, heartbreaking time brought him to a very low place. “But I made a decision that time that I was going to turn my life around, to give honor to my mom and dad,” he said.
An important step for him was finding the Gavin Foundation in Boston. The non-profit agency provides substance abuse treatment programs and serves 10,000 individuals each year from Massachusetts and beyond. The program offers clients a continuum of care and services across different levels and settings; support services to their families; and programs to increase community awareness and acceptance regarding addiction and recovery.