The Devine Recovery Center is a peer-to-peer community center offering a place of support for persons age 18+ in recovery from various types of addiction. It is free to join and membership is made up of individuals from the Boston area. We are a peer-driven center and members create and plan all events and activities. Monthly community meetings give members the opportunity to participate in the planning process. We encourage all to give back to others by volunteering or sharing their experience, strength and hope with their peers.
Stop by to learn more about the DRC and to see how you can participate. Membership is free. The Devine Recovery Center is open 9am-10pm Monday through Friday, and 12pm-8pm Saturday and Sunday. Currently center members are hosting coffee hours, recovery groups for men and women, Al-Anon, meditation, yoga and much more. Our meeting and event calendar is below. Check out our video on YouTube or visit the DRC Facebook page for more information, including meetings, special events and photos.
Dave DeCourcey
Center Director
Volunteer Coordinator
857-496-7335 ext. 606
Community Resource Specialist
857-496-7335 ext. 606
Devine Recovery Center
70 Devine Way, South Boston, MA 02127