
The Gavin Foundation operates more than a dozen programs independently or in collaboration with other agencies. We recognize that youth affected by drug and alcohol use face special challenges in building their recovery capacity. Their substance misuse undermines adolescent and young adult tasks of building support networks, defining values which guide life choices, and taking on greater responsibilities for self-care. Family relationships are damaged and educational losses undermine employment opportunities. We offer specialized adolescent, community, educational and diversion programs to respond to these needs.

Residential Programs

Community Programs

    • AAWOL is an in-depth study of AA’s Twelve Steps to Recovery.
    • Center for Recovery Services offers assessment and individual and group outpatient treatment for individuals struggling with substance use and addiction.
    • Devine Recovery Center is a peer-to-peer community center for individuals in recovery, age 18 and up. The center’s mission is to provide a place of support and recreation for persons in recovery from various types of addiction.

Collaboration Programs

  • Access to Recovery (ATR) serves individuals in the Boston area involved with the criminal justice system and affected by substance use.
  • William J. Ostiguy High School provides a safe, sober and supportive school environment in which youth in recovery can develop skills and strengths needed for personal, academic, vocational and community success.