
Gavin Foundation Road to Recovery Gala 2025

Please join us as we celebrate recovery and our mission. Sponsorship opportunities and tickets are now available. We look forward to seeing you at this special event!

If you would like to become a sponsor for the Gala, please click here.

If you would like to purchase individual tickets, please click here.

If you would like more information about the gala, please feel free to email [email protected] or call 617-322-9683.

Wing challenge

Devine Recovery Center and Bridge Recovery Center team up with Recovery on the Harbor to present the March Madness Wing Challenge this Sunday March 26th in Arlington

St. Patrick’s Day 2023

DRC hosts it’s annual St. Patrick’s day party in South Boston 

Devine Recovery Center is Celebrating 10 Years!!

Join us as we celebrate.


Anniversary Dinner 2022

Please join us as we celebrate the anniversaries of the Gavin House – 60th

Hamilton House – 48th

Charlestown House – 14th

Eileen’s House Opening

Thursday October 20, 2022 at 6:00pm

IBEW Hall – 256 Freeport Street, Dorchester MA 02122

Boy Scouts Troup 49 Shoe Drive

DRC is teaming up to help Boy Scouts Of America troop 49, helping with their shoe drive.

DRC has received over 100 pairs of shoes.

Donated shoes will be shipped to Africa to help those in need.

If you have any further questions feel free to reach out to Joann Flanagan 617-784-5396.

Thank you for you support

Comedy Show 2022

Guess who’s back?!

Des Bishop will be lighting up the crowd!!

Who says you can’t have fun sober? We are not a glum lot!

Be at IBEW Hall Freeport Street, Dorchester from 6:30pm – 9:30pm to see Guest Speakers, Honoree Julia Ojeda, and Comedian Des Bishop on stage for a FREE Comedy Show!!!

Overdose Awareness Vigil

Keriann and company will be hosting the Candlelight Vigil at the Bridge Recovery Center again this year.

Devine Recovery Center and Medford Overcoming Addiction will be supporting at 239 Commercial Street, Malden from 6pm – 8pm.

Hamilton House Cookout ’22

We will be having the final cookout of the summer at Hamilton House on Tuesday August 30th.  Please feel free to stop by.  We will begin serving at approximately 4:30pm.  


Fellowship Sports, Cornhole, Softball, and networking will be offered on August 27th from 1pm – 6pm at 70 Devine Way, South Boston.

The Devine Recovery Center is collaborating this year with The Bridge Recovery Center, Recovery On The Harbor, Turning Point Recovery, & The Phoenix Gym – Boston to bring this event to the community.

All are welcome!!

Gavin Foundation Fishing Trip

PJ and Roger will be taking to the sea on August 21, 2022. Graduates and employees will be entering into a contest for biggest fish and most caught.

All aboard 7:30 am at 1 Parker Street Gloucester, MA.

Road to Recovery Gala 2022

Thursday, May 5th

The Creative Office Pavilion Road to Recovery Gala
Thursday, May 9th at 5:30pm
Innovation and Design Building
1 Design Center Place, Boston

Gavin Foundation Christmas Open House
Thursday, December 13, 2018, 6:30 pm
4 Hilltop Street, Dorchester

Anniversary Dinner
Thursday, October 18, 2018, 6:30 pm
IBEW Hall, 256 Freeport Street, Dorchester

Road to Recovery Gala 2018
A Benefit for the Gavin Foundation
Thursday, May 3, 2018, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
The Innovation and Design Building
One Design Center Place, Boston

Charlestown Night of Recovery
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Charlestown YMCA and Constitution Inn, 5th floor
5:00 pm Swimathon, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Celebration
Brought to you by Charlestown Recovery House
and the Charlestown Coalition – FREE Admission