Spring Newsletter

Happy April to all! With the sweet promise of spring in the air, we are pleased to announce the arrival of our spring newsletter. We mailed it out today, but for anyone who simply can’t wait, you can find out what the Gavin Foundation programs have been up to right here on our site (opens in PDF).

Meet Rowan the Pup

Rowan Card_frontRowan, a black Labrador, is a therapy dog for the Cushing House. He is a unique member of the Gavin Foundation family. Animal-assisted therapy is still fairly new in the addiction recovery field, but studies have proven the effectiveness of this adjunctive therapy. The effect of having Rowan in the house is remarkable. His presence is a comfort and he always seems to know who needs attention the most. His solid presence and unconditional love do wonders for a resident in need.

Follow Rowan’s blog to learn more about the work he does for the teens of Cushing House!